52. 日本人が考える日本のよいところ

Learn Japanese with Noriko - En podcast av Japanese with Noriko


Hello, My name is Noriko, a fully qualified Japanese teacher. This is a Japanese podcast for Japanese learners. 💻Scripts on my website https://www.japanesewithnoriko.com ☕️Please consider donating me the value of a coffee https://ko-fi.com/japanesewithnoriko 🎧Spotify https://tinyurl.com/norikopodcast 🎥YouTube https://tinyurl.com/norikoYouTube Today I'm talking about "Typical Japanese & Japan" from YouTube Channel, Easy Japanese. Watch the video👉 https://bit.ly/2VTFcyv Vocabulary 仙台(せんだい)Sendai (city) 年配(ねんぱい)elderly お年寄り(おとしより)elderly 理想(りそう)が高い(たかい)have high expectations やっぱり as expected 新鮮な(しんせんな)fresh 残念な(ざんねんな)it’s such a shame 思いやり(おもいやり)thoughtfulness, consideration 思いやる(思いやる)be considerate, thoughtful 他人(たにん)others (people) 独特の(どくとくの)uniqueness, peculiarity おもてなし hospitality, treatment 考え方(かんがえかた)way of thinking 携帯電話(けいたいでんわ)mobile phone 言語(げんご)が乱(みだ)れている language is misused