51. 在宅勤務(ざいたくきんむ)が始まりました!
Learn Japanese with Noriko - En podcast av Japanese with Noriko
Hello, My name is Noriko, a fully qualified Japanese teacher. This is a Japanese podcast for Japanese learners. 💻Scripts on my website https://www.japanesewithnoriko.com ☕️Please consider donating me the value of a coffee https://ko-fi.com/japanesewithnoriko 🎧Spotify https://tinyurl.com/norikopodcast 🎥YouTube https://tinyurl.com/norikoYouTube 📚ITALKI http://tinyurl.com/norijpteacher Instagram👉@norijpteacher 📩Email [email protected] Vocabulary 閉鎖(へいさ)closure 集まる(あつまる)collect together 連続(れんぞく)continuation お酒売り場(おさけうりば)alcohol aisle 棚(たな)shelf 空っぽ(からっぽ)empty 在宅勤務(ざいたくきんむ)work from home 自宅勤務(じたくきんむ)work at home 気づく(きづく)realise 普段(ふだん)usual, normal 同僚(どうりょう)colleague 声(こえ)voice 慣れる(なれる)get used to 与える(あたえる)give, provide 影響(えいきょう)effect, influence 寂しい(さみしい)lonely ながら仕事(しごと)doing something else while doing something 聞き流す(ききながす)take no notice of, ignore 音声配信(おんせいはいしん)voice broadcast Voicy (podcasting service in Japan) RadioTalk (podcasting service in Japan)