262. 長続きしない私が続けられていること!
Learn Japanese with Noriko - En podcast av Japanese with Noriko
Hello, My name is Noriko, a fully qualified Japanese teacher. This is a Japanese podcast for Japanese learners. 💻Scripts on my website https://www.japanesewithnoriko.com ☕️Please consider donating me the value of a coffee https://ko-fi.com/japanesewithnoriko 🎥YouTube https://tinyurl.com/norikoYouTube 📸Instagram https://www.instagram.com/norijpteacher/ 体調を崩す(たいちょうをくずす)to get sick 腰痛(ようつう)Lower back pain 咳(せき)a cough 一切(いっさい)at all 症状(しょうじょう)symptoms 喉が痛い(のどがいたい)to have a sore throat アレルギー allergy 長続きする(ながつづきする)to last for a long time, continue something for a long time あきらめる to give up 飽きる(あきる)to get bored, get tired 日記(にっき)diary 編み物(あみもの)knitting 裁縫(さいほう)sewing ミシン a sewing machine 義理の妹(ぎりのいもうと)a sister in law 一気に(いっきに)at once 挫折をする(ざせつ)to experienced a failure 勝負(しょうぶ)victory or defeat (in this context, I wanted to say that next year is the key for me if I can continue to learn Korean or give up) 進度(しんど)、進み具合(すすみぐあい)progress 個性(こせい)personality