237. そっくり

Learn Japanese with Noriko - En podcast av Japanese with Noriko


Hello, My name is Noriko, a fully qualified Japanese teacher. This is a Japanese podcast for Japanese learners. 💻Scripts on my website https://www.japanesewithnoriko.com ☕️Please consider donating me the value of a coffee https://ko-fi.com/japanesewithnoriko 🎧Spotify https://tinyurl.com/norikopodcast 🎥YouTube https://tinyurl.com/norikoYouTube 芸能人(げいのうじん)celebrity 有名人(ゆうめいじん)famous person そっくりlook exactly the same 三世代(さんせだい)three generations 性格(せいかく)personality 面倒見がいい(めんどうみ)very helpful, caring 社交的な(しゃこうてきな)sociable 小柄(こがら)small シワ wrinkles シミ spots 鏡(かがみ)mirror 瓜二つ(うりふたつ)be alike as two peas in a pod 瓜(うり)a gourd きゅうり a cucumber. 双子(ふたご)twins 撮影する(さつえい)to film 目撃する(もくげき)to witness