Learn Japanese with Noriko - En podcast av Japanese with Noriko
Hello, My name is Noriko, a fully qualified Japanese teacher. This is a Japanese podcast for Japanese learners. 💻Scripts on my website https://www.japanesewithnoriko.com ☕️Please consider donating me the value of a coffee https://ko-fi.com/japanesewithnoriko 🎧Spotify https://tinyurl.com/norikopodcast 🎥YouTube https://tinyurl.com/norikoYouTube 災害(さいがい)disaster 災害大国(さいがいたいこく)disaster-prone country 地震(じしん)earthquake 氾濫(はんらん)flood 洪水(こうずい)flood 豪雨(ごうう)downpour 一定の場所(いっていのばしょ)specific areas 崩れる(くずれる)collapse 土砂崩れ(どしゃくずれ)landslide 火山(かざん)volcano 避難訓練(ひなんくんれん)evacuation drill 備える(そなえる)get ready 非常袋(ひじょうぶくろ)survival kit 持病(じびょう)chronic disease いざというとき in case of emergency 山火事(やまかじ)wildfire 乾燥(かんそう)dryness, dry