150. New Course for Beginners: Building Japanese Sentences - 朝

Learn Japanese with Noriko - En podcast av Japanese with Noriko


日本語の先生、のりこです! This is the new course to learn how to build and expand sentences. Target: from mid-beginners Listen words and sentences and try to build your own sentences. 朝  morning 朝ごはん  breakfast 毎朝  every morning 今朝  this morning 明日の朝  tomorrow morning 昨日の朝  yesterday morning 週末の朝  weekend morning 朝6時    6 o’clock in the morning 朝が好きです。  I like mornings. 朝早く起きるのが苦手です。 I'm not good at waking up early in the morning. 朝ごはん食べた? (casual/informal)    Did you have breakfast? 毎朝たいてい6時に起きますが、今朝は寝坊(ねぼう)しました。  I usually wake up at 6 o’clock every morning, but I overslept this morning. 明日の朝、5時に起きなければいけません。 I will have to wake up at 5 o’clock tomorrow morning. 朝から晩まで    from morning until evening 明日は朝から晩まで図書館で勉強をします。 Tomorrow I will study at the library from morning until evening. 朝10時にいつもコーヒーを飲みます。 I always drink coffee at 10 o’clock in the morning. 今日は朝から雨が降っています。 Today it has been raining since morning. 週末の朝は遅く起きます。 I wake up late on weekend mornings.