PROTESTS IN CHICAGO DURING DNC: 30+ Phrasal Verbs, Idioms, and Advanced Terms

American English With Brent - En podcast av Brent


President Biden, Former Presidents Obama and Clinton, and Vice President Harris will all speak at the Democratic National Convention. In this English lesson, we will watch a news clip about protests about abortion rights and freedom in Palestine outside of the DNC. Delegate: A person chosen to represent others at the convention. Nominee: The person chosen by the party to run for President. 1. Made their way - : To move or go toward a place. - : Protesters made their way to Union Park to join the rally supporting Palestinian liberation. 2. Make their voices heard - : To express opinions or concerns loudly and clearly so that others notice. - : Activists gathered to make their voices heard on keeping abortion rights legal during the DNC. 3. Union Park - : A public park in Chicago often used for large gatherings and events. - : The protest at Union Park attracted hundreds of people demanding reproductive rights. 4. Rally - : A large public meeting, especially for a political cause or protest. - : The reproductive rights rally drew a big crowd of supporters at the DNC. 5. Breathing a sigh of relief - : Feeling less worried or stressed after something improves or turns out well. - : People in Chicago were breathing a sigh of relief when the protests were kept peaceful. 6. Get underway - : To start or begin something. - : The DNC gets underway tonight in Chicago. 7. Reproductive rights rally - : People getting together, raising awareness for the need to protect women’s rights to legal abortions. - : The reproductive rights rally was one of the largest events during the protests at the DNC. 8. Out in full force - : Present in large numbers. - : Protesters were out in full force, demanding that the DNC take a stand on keeping abortion legal. 9. Lining - : Standing or forming a line along a place. - : Protesters were lining the streets outside the DNC, holding signs for Palestinian liberation. 10. Coalition - : A group of people or organizations working together for a common cause. - : The protest was organized by a coalition of groups supporting both reproductive rights and Palestinian liberation. 11. Comprised - : Made up of or including specific parts or members. - : The protest was comprised of people from various backgrounds, all united for a common cause. 12. Liberation - : The act of gaining freedom and rights, especially from oppression. - : The protesters chanted for the liberation of oppressed people in Palestine. 13. Oppressed - : Treated unfairly and cruelly, especially by those in power. - : The speakers at the rally highlighted the voices of the oppressed, urging the DNC to support their cause.

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