Lucie + Ariki - Spontaneous Labour at 41+4, Meconium Aspiration, Emergency C-Section under General Anaesthetic, SCBU
Kiwi Birth Tales - En podcast av Jordyn Kayes

This episode of Kiwi Birth Tales is proudly brought to you by Huggies NZ.In this episode of Kiwi Birth Tales, I speak to Lucie. Some of the topics we cover:Easy journey to pregnancy after Copper IUD Overdue (41+4)Braxton Hicks Expressing Colostrum Spontaneous labour at homeMidwife appointment (2cm dilated) Planned Hospital birth 5cm dilated when arrived at HospitalVariable baby heartrate on CTG monitor (190-70)Emergency C-section under General Anaesthetic Meconium AspirationFlat breathing when born SCBU stay (12 days) Waking up from birth under GA Recovery from CsectionBreastfeeding journey Mental health and birth traumaPlease seek support for any mental health concerns, some helpful links are below:Mental Health in PregnancyPerinatal Depression and Anxiety Aotearoa Plunket - Dads Mental HealthLittle Shadow - Private Counselling NZYour Birth Project Online Hypnobirthing CourseFind me @kiwibirthtales and @yourbirthproject Hosted on Acast. See for more information.