7/6/24: Amos 1-2 - replay from 6/5/21 and 6/12/21
Keys of the Kingdom - En podcast av Brother Gregory

(Amos 1) Amos, minor prophet and shepherd; Levites often shepherds; Network of ten-family synagogues; Ministers were communicators of information; Freewill support; Consequences of choosing rulers; Amos' poetic nature; Modern Christian 40,000 denominations; Amos explaining situation; History repeating itself; Avoiding confusion; "Christian" nature; Knowing Christ; Stimulus checks cursing children; Tav-kuf-vav-ayin - Tekoa (stockade?); Town or character? "Day of the Lord"; Satan "believes"; World in decline, watchmen not warning; Amos, contemporary of Joel; Amos 1; "Carmel"; earthquakes; Who are your shepherds?; Following science? Or media?; Omitting Christ's instructions; Covetous practices; "Insurrection?"; Jan 6th Temple defiled; Your daily bread; What captivity?; Your first choice; Where your rights are going; Study: Interfering with natural processes; "Gimel" = cause/effect; Inspiration of authors; Drawing near the solution; "3, even 4"; "brotherly covenant"; Repetition/sequence of transgressions; Levites taking bribes; Bottom-up networking; Early Israel = Republic; Alexander the Great; Sloth begets tribute; Why bribes?; Jethro's advice; Levitical charity; Red heifer confusion; Burning sheep doesn't bring people together; Sharing reality; Returning to righteousness; Overpopulation?; Retaining responsibilities; Cities of refuge; Transgressions today; Today's "Israel"; Consequences to not following instructions; Contrary to God's ways; Repentance; Blood in your teeth; Amos 1:15; King's captivity = exile?; US Constitution; World in bondage; Christ's daily solution; "Telkoa" warning watchman?; "Carmel" - also in Micah 7:14 = be fruitful; Top of Carmel = first fruits; Instruments of Iron = force; Believing lies; Pure Religion; Seek the Kingdom of God and His righteousness; Household of faith?; Archibald MacLeish quote; Taken away right to choose; Division is destructive; Gather as Christ commanded; Coveting is not OK; "Altar calls"; Who's your salvation?; Show up!; Avoiding delusion; Humility is key; Join us. (Amos 2) Amos prophet/shepherd/tender of trees/poet; English translation; Song of Moses; Deut 32?; Moses and Jesus in agreement; Poetic connections; Truth free of charge but costs you your delusions; Offices of power; Saving yourself?; Knowing by fruit; Amos' warnings; Coming out of hell; Wrath of God is built into the system; Risking self for others; Strengthening the poor; One purse; Ps 50:1; Seeing in faith; Amos 1: Introduction; Repeated transgressions of the people represented by place names; Misrepresenting Moses; Unmooring metaphors; "Brotherly covenant"; Ten-family congregations; Holy Levites; Love vs force; Seeking God's righteousness; Amos 2; Have you rejected God?; Will you repent?; The story of the wayward lamb; Unrighteous mammon - be friends with it; FDR's welfare and LBJ's war on poverty; Wilson's golden calf; Transgressions of Moab/Judah/Israel; Amos 2:6; Egypt = bondage Free souls under God; Community: Actively caring for neighbor; Police?; "Princes" of Israel; Pledging; Inheriting the Earth; Treachery with your neighbor; Selling your birthright(eousness); The first commandment; Amos full of extra (Hebrew) letters; yod-mem; biet = families at stake; Tricking you out of your inheritance; Command to gather in Tens; Rejecting commandments; Avoiding sloth; "National Adultery"; Nazarites - who are they?; Wanting ears tickled; Letting go of treachery; What is Amos sharing?; Abraham's army; Militia; Remaining at liberty; Amos 2:16 - courage; Living by the sword?; Weaker by socialism; Unrighteous communities; Forming free assemblies using the brotherly covenant; Loaves and fishes event; Burning Bush Festival; Cannot escape built-in consequences of creation; Dogs in cages; Knowing yourself - in spirit and truth; You can't think yourself into salvation.