In-Laws and Night Feeding
Just EAT! - En podcast av Renae D'Andrea MS, RDN

In this episode, a parent writes in about concerns with her in-laws and their their differing opinions on how she should feed her 7 month old. They have shared their opinions with her about everything from when to feed her baby to whether she should allow him to nurse over night. Her in-laws are concerned that when her son is served solid foods in the morning, he tends not to show interest. They are persistent in telling her that her son needs to be able to sleep through the night at this age and will not do so unless she stops feeding him each time he wakes up. They also insist that he should be fed a proper breakfast, lunch, and dinner and that breastmilk is nothing more than a snack. This parent is unsure how to handle this situation and is second guessing whether her initial approach is right or wrong.
If you have a baby that is 10 months or less and you haven’t already looked into it, I’d recommend checking out the starting solids course available on my website. It walks you through everything you need to know about starting solids, from what to feed to just how to feed that food. It can help you to avoid some of the common pitfalls that often crop up as your baby get’s closer to a year and into toddlerhood! Find a link to it in the show notes, or head to
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