6 Creative Ways To Fund Your Adoption: Podcast Episode 86
Infant Adoption Guide Podcast - En podcast av Tim Elder

The high cost of infant adoption can keep people from starting the process of building a family. It doesn’t have to be this way. Thousands of people (just like you) adopt EVERY YEAR, despite the high cost. There are many ways to fund your adoption. Today, we will give you 6 Creative Ways To Fund Your Adoption. Even though adoption can be expensive, now is a great time to adopt AND do it without debt. With so much information all over the internet, it can be tough to find good and even creative resources to help you fund your adoption. After starting the Infant Adoption Guide blog and podcast several years ago, I’ve been able to talk with many adoption experts, agencies, consultants, authors and adoptive families. I’ve heard tons of stories and examples of how others have funded their adoptions. These 6 ways are not the only ways, but some of the best ones I’ve heard and seen work, which is why I want to share them with you. So, here are the 6 Creative Ways To Fund Your Adoption: 1. BothHands.org (an amazing way to serve and raise funds for your adoption) 2. Adoption grants (how and where to get free money to pay for your adoption expenses!) 3. Crowdfunding (getting others to help you – and yes, this does work and can work well!)4. Personal savings (using what you have and can build in a short amount of time) 5. Fundraising Events (getting creative with fun ways to raise money for your adoption) 6. Selling Other People’s Stuff (you’d be surprised what people are willing to give you to sell) BONUS! Get this FREE GUIDE below with links to everything we talk about in this episode! FREE GUIDE!(click to download) What you’ll hear on this episode: * A deep dive into The 6 Creative Ways for funding your adoption.* Examples and stories of people who have used these ways to fund their adoption.* How and where to get FREE money to pay for your adoption expenses.* How to find even more ways (books and websites) to fund your adoption.* How you can get help directly from me for finding and choosing the RIGHT agency for you through my online course called, FIND MY ADOPTION AGENCY. Links we talk about in this episode: * FundYourAdoption.tv – started by adoptive parents, this site is packed full of great ideas on how to fund your adoption.* You Can Adopt Without Debt: Creative Ways To Cover The Cost of Adoption – a great book by Julie Gumm * Infant Adoption Guide Podcast Episode 69 – BothHands.org with JT Olson – listen to this podcast interview with BothHands.org founder JT Olson as we explain exactly how this amazing fundraising project works.* AdoptTogether.org – an awesome site dedicated to helping you crowd-fund your adoption.* FindMyAdoptionAgency.com – a community bringing together expectant moms and hopeful adoptive families by connecting them through online profiles. *