Peace be with you
In Your Presence - En podcast av Eric Nicolai
Lk 24, 35-48: The disciples on the road to Emmaus had realized that their hearts were burning within them. It was afire of longing to be with the master, to stay with him. Mane nobiscum Domine, was the prayer that expressed that inner fire. But in that moment of agitation, he comes among them and says peace be with you. Shalom. A common Jewish expression. But here it has the sense of salvation. We must seek to be like a calm lake, where the sun is easily reflected. But if we are agitated, we are like a lake with waves, ripples, the sun glistens, but is not truly reflected like in a mirror. Before you make any decision, you must be at peace. You must be tranquil. You must be serene. Anxiety seems tone growing. It can be stifling, almost paralysing. Even in small things. Some saints were as prone to worry and anxiety as the rest of us are. But, by placing their trust in the Lord's presence and care, they were able to overcome their fears. Preached by Fr. Eric Nicolai in Lyncroft centre, Toronto, April 18, 2021 Music: Andrien Berenguer, Fall (Album Multiplicity, 2017) For more meditations, check my channel: