Happy Birthday Pope Benedict Emeritus!
In Your Presence - En podcast av Eric Nicolai

Today Pope Benedict XVI turns 94. He was baptized on the very day that he was born. Re-born in the Holy Spirit. He affirmed in 2012 that he could say that life is good: "It becomes a true gift only if, along with it, we are given a promise that is stronger than any evil that could threaten us, if it is immersed in a power that ensures that it is good to be human, that there will be good for this person no matter what the future brings. Thus, with birth is associated rebirth, the certitude that, truly, it is good to be alive, because the promise is stronger than evil. This is the meaning of rebirth by water and the Holy Spirit: to be immersed in the promise that only God can make — it is good that you exist, and you can be certain of that whatever comes. With this assurance I was able to live, reborn by water and the Holy Spirit." Today’s Mass is about going beyond human calculations. John 6:1-15: Multiplication of loaves and fish. Other meditations can be found on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/EricNicolai/videos Music: Adrian Berenguer, Fall (Album Multiplicity, 2017)