Get Ready for the Holy Spirit: He's coming

In Your Presence - En podcast av Eric Nicolai

Since Pentecost is coming up on May 23, we wanted to prepare for that marvellous solemnity by understanding how grace acts in our soul. Grace is the life of God in humans: it is the life of God (one and three) and therefore must be considered as essentially “un-created” in character, as something that is divine in origin and divinizing in effect. It is not some kind of liquid substance that seeps into our soul and cleans it out. It is more like God himself entering our apartment, with mop and bucket and powerful instruments to do the cleaning. But he still has to do it. The mop, the vacuum cleaner, the cleaning agents don’t work on their own. Some people have these little robots that they let loose in the house during the day, and it runs around the house, bumps into walls, and does some cleaning. Preached by Fr. Eric Nicolai in Lyncroft centre, Toronto,May 7, 2021 Music: Andrien Berenguer, Fall (Album Multiplicity, 2017) For more meditations, check my channel:

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