What Should I Do? // Towels & Titles (Part 6)
HungryGen - En podcast av HungryGen

Pastor Vlad continues the sermon series "Towels & Titles" where he speaks a practical message on how to begin to walk in your assignment. Notes: Scripture: Acts 9:1-6 Tale of Two Saul’s: One Saul went to Ramah to catch David, another Saul went to Damascus to catch Christians. One Saul became naked, another Saul became blind. One Saul felt remorse, another Saul had repentance. One Saul stopped doing bad, another Saul start doing good. One Saul became apostate, another Saul became an apostle. Experience alone will not change you. An encounter is an invitation for transformation. WHO ARE YOU, LORD? A. Learn to ask WHO ARE YOU before you ask WHAT SHALL I DO. If you want to know your purpose, seek his presence. God hides your purpose in His presence. B. Stop decapitating Jesus’ head from the body. Judas kissed the face of Jesus but plunged a knife in the back. If I hurt others, I injure Jesus. LORD, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO? Purpose is discovered by people. Calling is discovered in community. Anointing operates by association. A. God will lead you to the right place before He will bring the right people. Instead of telling Saul what to do, Jesus told him where to go. God will guide you to the right place before he connects you with right people. B. If you are in the right place but have not met right people, PRAY. If you don’t know what to do, pray. C. Right people will cover your basics. Basics are vision, filled with the Spirit, water baptized, food, and sharing your faith. D. Right people will cover your blind spots. E. Right people will connect you to “apostles”