Three Chairs

HungryGen - En podcast av HungryGen

Pastor Vlad preached a message on Easter service called the "Three Chairs" He talked about 3 people in the bible that were good man but still needed to be born again. Sometimes it's not our works that get us salvation but us trusting in Jesus Christ and being born again. Sermon Notes: Chair 1 - Nicodemus - Religious Man (John 3:1-2) Nicodemus was a ruler, religious and right about Jesus, yet Jesus told him “UNLESS ONE IS BORN AGAIN, HE CANNOT SEE THE KINGDOM” Salvation is not just a ticket to heaven but a birth into a new kingdom. Religion may make you feel safe, but it doesn't make you saved. Religion gives you rules, Jesus gives you power. You can be in the airport, but still miss your flight. Just like you can be in church, but not be in Christ. Chair 2 - Cornelius - Devout Man (Acts 10:1-2) Cornelius feared God, prayed always, gave alms generously, fasted, yet the angel of God told him to call Peter so that he can hear about salvation. Chair 3 - Zacchaeus - Short Man (Luke 19:1-4) Zacchaeus was rich, sinner, short, could not see Jesus, but when climbed on the tree (symbol of the cross), Jesus saw him, called him by name and went to his house. Jesus does not bring behavior modification, but a heart transformation. Religion is about trying; relationship with Jesus is about trusting. #HungryGen #PastorVlad #ThreeChairs Stay connected with Pastor Vlad Instagram Facebook Twitter Subscribe to his blog: Invite Pastor Vlad to speak

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