Take Jesus Home // Embrace Grace (Part 4)

HungryGen - En podcast av HungryGen

Zack continued the sermon series, "Embrace Grace" he spoke on how we are all born short and in order to grow we must keep trusting Jesus for true life transformation. 1. TRYING (when you try to reach God on your abilities) A. We are all born short. B. We can’t change. C. Don’t join the “crowd” in your attempt to reach Christ. 2. TRUSTING (climb on the tree) A. Religion is you trying to see God. Gospel is trusting Jesus. B. Trust what Jesus did, instead of trying to do better. C. Jesus called him a Zacchaeus (which means in original language, “pure, innocent”), people called him a sinner. 
 3. TRANSFORMATION (when you bring Jesus home with you) A. Don’t leave JESUS where you met him. B. Don’t focus on changing, focus on hosting Christ. C. “Christian life is not changed life, it’s an exchanged life.” Watch Man Née Stay connected with Zack Instagram https://www.instagram.com/zackparkhotyuk/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/ZackParkhotyuk Invite Zack to speak http://www.hungrygen.com/invite

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