Running Errands
HungryGen - En podcast av HungryGen

Rikhard shared a powerful message how Christianity is not just part time but full time. If we are to receive full time rewards we have to be full time Christians. He further explained it deeper how Samual ran errands for the prophet and how God used him for his glory. Running Errands 1 Sam 3:1 We are constantly running someone’s errands. Who’s errands are you running? One tiny errand propelled Samuel into his divine destiny. God is the God of the bigger picture - when HE acts, HE acts with a bigger picture in mind. Everything big starts little. The longest journey and the most epic adventure begins with one step. Four things made it possible for God to send Samuel 1. He was about his Fathers business (Luke 2:49) Many people do Christianity as a side hustle but expect a full time reward. The 10,000 hour rule - 3 hours a day, 7 days a week for 9 years. Jesus wants full time followers, not part time followers. 2. Samuel had someone showing him the way (1 Cor 11:1) You can have no impact without intimacy. You can make no difference without discipleship. You can have no responsibility with a relationship. Press close to who you want to be like. Press close to their word. 3. Samuel made himself available. (Isaiah 6:8) Jesus Christ is not looking for perfect people, He is looking for available people. Matthew 15:34 - what do you have? God can use anything. In Exodus, He used a stick to make bitter water sweet. In 1 Samuel, He used a stone to slay the Philistine. In 2 Kings, He used a prophets dead bones. He can use anything. What is in your hands today? He used a rod in the hands of Moses, bread and fish in the hands of disciples, He used saliva to heal, aprons and shadows. He used a donkey, He used a whale, He used a storm, He used man’s desire - He used a flash, He used a wind, He used earthquakes and He uses fire! God can use you! You may say you’re not worthy to be used, you may say you’re an addict. Noah was too! He was addicted to alcohol. Peter struggled with anger. James and John struggled with pride. Gehazi was greedy, Gideon had fear. David and Samson had lust. Jacob was a liar, Matthew was a thief. Samuel was too young, Abraham was too old, Esther was of wrong ethnicity. God can use you! God takes what is and creates what wasn’t 4. Samuel gave what he had (Acts 3:1) Fill yourself up with Jesus. You can’t give what you don’t have. There is a big need in this world - laborers are few. Let God use you Looking for music to listen to? Look no further. HungryGen has tons of music that can uplift your spirit. Pastor Vlad released a book "BREAK FREE", available everywhere books are sold. For more info - For more information: #hungrygen #pastorvlad #deliverance