Rules of Engagement // There is More Series (Part 4)

HungryGen - En podcast av HungryGen

Pastor Vlad finished his sermon series on "There is More" with a message titled "Rules of Engagement". He began to speak on how many of us live in the spiritual world but only a few are engaged in spiritual warfare. That natural war kills people but spiritual war kills evil. He began to share the story of Joshua how God anointed him to to conquer his enemy and not to make covenant with it. God will never deliver us from our friends but our enemies. He finished up his sermon with that God delivered us from Egypt but he empowered us to defeat our enemies in our promise land. Let this encourage you to stand fast on the promises of God and put on the armor of God daily to conquer the promise land God gave us. Message Notes: Joshua 8:1 1. Everyone lives in spiritual world but few are engaged in spiritual warfare! Natural war kills people, spiritual war kills evil This war takes place in our mind, in our prayer! 2. Don’t let your victories go into your head so that your defeats will not go into your heart. Victory is not endearment of our lifestyle. Overcoming your defeat is more important than winning a battle. Defeat is not dangerous if it happened in your life, it’s deadly when it takes place in your heart If you do not handle your good times well, they will turn into hard times but if you handle your hard times well, they will turn into good times. The way you handle your situation matters. 3. Don’t make covenant with the enemy God anointed you to conquer Don’t let your issue become your identity When you make a deal with the devil, you start defending your enemy instead of overcoming it 4. Deliverance from the enemy, defeating the enemy Deliverance from the enemy requires you to be a slave Defeating the enemy requires you to be a soldier Promise land was not conquered by slaves but by soldiers. Don’t fight promise land battles with slave mentality PRAYER: I command any negative force, occupying my health, to be surmounted I command any negative curse, holding blessing, to be vanquished I command every evil spirit, operating in my family, to be evicted New Book “Break Free” by Pastor Vlad is Out Stay connected with Pastor Vlad Instagram Facebook Twitter Subscribe to his blog: Invite Pastor Vlad to speak

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