Renewing of the Mind // Break Free (Part 2)
HungryGen - En podcast av HungryGen

Pastor Vlad continued #BreakFree series with powerful follow up message on Renewing of the Mind. Where your mind goes, your life will follow. This is one most important messages you will ever hear in your life. Message Notes: Esther 5:1-2 Don’t fast for the sake of fasting! Fasting is a living sacrifice Rom.12:1 1. After warfare - don’t dress down in rags [don’t conform to this world] Stop allowing your problem to choose your dress code. Don’t wear everything you get! Don’t think on the level of your problem. What we wear, we represent! We are an ambassadors for Christ, not representatives of crisis 2 Cor.5:20 2. Dress up in royal robes even when the problem lingers [renew your mind] Everything that’s prolonged becomes stronghold. Behind every stronghold is a lie. Behind every lie is fear. Behind every fear is an idol. How to renew your mind: Remind your soul that God loves you SO MUCH! Only perfect love casts out fear! Fill your mind with truth Whatever you fill your mind with becomes your mindset Resist thoughts of fear, assist thoughts of faith. Faith thoughts are not going to stay, they need to be assisted. Fear thoughts are not going to leave, they need to be resisted. Align your inner self talk with God’s word. Your life will move in the direction of your self-talk. What you wear mentally - will enter you. Ps109:18; John 13:1, 27. Stronghold is opinion, belief and conviction! 3. Touch the scepter even you don’t get the solution [be transformed] Expect miracles but learn to embrace momentum. When the winds change, ride the wave! When you get momentum, enemy loses it! One touch of God’s favor will do more than years of labor Prayer Points: Lord Jesus, have mercy on me. Let your mercy and favor speak for me! Right now, in the name of Jesus, begin to remove every garment of unrighteousness, every garment of affliction, every garment of limitation in your life! New Book “Break Free” by Pastor Vlad is Out Stay connected with Pastor Vlad Instagram Facebook Twitter Subscribe to his blog: Invite Pastor Vlad to speak Download new 14-Day devotional by HungryGen on YouVersion Bible - For more information: #hungrygen #pastorvlad #deliverance