Power of the Holy Spirit // Host the Holy Ghost (Part 4)

HungryGen - En podcast av HungryGen

Pastor Vlad shared a message on the power of the Holy Spirit. Message Notes: 1. Resurrection is an EVENT (1 Cor.15:17). Resurrection is God’s Amen to Christ’s statement “IT IS FINISHED” When He died, so did my sin, when He rose, so did my hope Death defeated sin, resurrection defeated death. 2. Resurrection is an EXAMPLE (1 Cor.15:22-23). Resurrection of Jesus is the guarantee and pattern of our resurrection 3. Resurrection is an EXPERIENCE (Luke 10:23-25). Resurrection is a doctrine but its also a Person “But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit who dwells in you.” Romans 8:11 We serve the GOD OF EMPTY TOMB. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of resurrection. There can be no resurrection without death. There is no death without sin. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 Sin brings death. Sin destroys us and others. Sin is something we see in others but don’t see in ourselves. Your sin will do to you what it did to Jesus! If God will not punish sin, He will apologize to Sodom.There are two kinds of people in the world: dead to sin or dead in sin. Which are you? Sin is work. Death is paycheck. What in hell do you want that you work so hard for it? We need to quit, resign, give 2 minute notice to devil and leave his payroll. The Holy Spirit brings gift of forgiveness from Jesus. Cross is the place where God is loving without being unholy. The Holy Spirit begins the process of repairing our life from damages of sin. The Holy Spirit starts the resurrection process in our life. When its dark, you are feel like you are buried, you are only planted. Difference between burial and planting is life & expectancy. Going as seed, dark, dirt, under foot, no way, come out as MUCH fruit. Don’t put period where God has put a comma. Holy Spirit in me is more powerful than circumstances around me. PRAYER POINTS: 1. Whatever in my life that has been in a state of disuse - begin to resurrect, in Jesus’ name. 2. Be it in my health – begin to resurrect. In my business – begin to resurrect. In my family – begin to resurrect. In my finances – begin to resurrect. 3. From today, my old life of sin - pass away, in Jesus’ name. My old life of pain - pass away, in Jesus’ name. My old life of affliction - pass away, in Jesus’ name. My old life of failure - pass away, in Jesus’ name. Pastor Vlad released a new book "BREAK FREE", available on iBooks, Amazon, Kindle, Audible and everywhere books are sold. For more information: http://www.hungrygen.com/breakfreebook Stay connected with Pastor Vlad Instagram http://www.instagram.com/vladhungrygen Facebook http://www.facebook.com/vladhungrygen Twitter http://www.twitter.com/vladhungrygen Subscribe to his blog: http://www.hungrygen.com/blog Invite Pastor Vlad to speak http://www.hungrygen.com/invite

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