How to Walk in the Holy Spirit

HungryGen - En podcast av HungryGen

Pastor Vlad ministered at STAY LIT London Conference at KICC Church a powerful message on what it means to walk in the Holy Spirit. Thank you KICC for providing us with this video content. Message Notes: Acts 3:1-10 Every Christian has the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit does not have every Christian! Every Christian has relationship with Holy Spirit but not every one has intimacy! We get the Holy Spirit with salvation, the Holy Spirit gets us by surrender. Lame Christian is one who has legs but lives crawling! Birth gives you legs but walking requires practice, mentors and time Salvation gives you Holy Spirit but walking in him takes time, practice, and mentors 1. To walk in Holy Spirit you need to talk to Holy Spirit He is not a force but a friend! He is not tongues but a person! Feelings, mind, and will. He is no less of person just because he has no body! He is not fire, dove, oil, or manifestations. 2. Walking in Holy Spirit does not make better than you it makes me better than me When I walk - I will not fulfill lust of the flesh (Gal.5:16) When I walk - fruit is developed as result of intimacy (Gal.5:22-23) Don’t work on your issues, work on your intimacy! 3. You were given legs not to sit in church to walk in your calling to win your generation. Platform has a purpose. Career is decided, calling is discovered. Career is natural, calling is supernatural. Career can change, calling does not. Career is the platform, calling is the purpose. Holy Spirit did not come to make you Pentecostal but to make us into missionaries. Church is fueling station not final destination. We are not called to win arguments but to win souls. Don’t try to clean the fish until u catch the fish! Don’t disciple corpse! #WalkinSpirit #KICC #PastorVlad For more information:

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