Hinderance to the Presence of God // Encounter (Part 3)

HungryGen - En podcast av HungryGen

Pastor Vlad continued Encounter series with powerful message about overcoming hinderances to the presence of God. Message Notes 1,000,809 mountains are in the world. 73,389 mountains in the USA. 1 mountain in Tri-Cities, WA. Tallest mountain is Mount Everest (29,029 feet above sea level). Benefits of Climbing Mount Everest: 1. Charitable Expeditions 2. Sense of Achievement 3. Fitness Increase 4. Life Changing Experience 5. Huge Adventure So it came to pass, when they had brought them outside, that he said, escape for your life! Do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest you be destroyed.” Then Lot said to them, “Please, no, my lords! Genesis 19:17-18 Omnipresence of God is God is everywhere Manifest presence of God is God is here Omnipresence of God is the nature of God Manifest presence of God is the experience of God Omnipresence of God is Psalm 139:7 Manifest presence of God is Psalm 51:11 Everyone is in the omnipresence of God but few live in the manifest presence of God Presence of God is the person of the Holy Spirit. God’s power of felt, God’s presence is known. God has summoned us into His presence. We can only know His presence to the degree He has loved our presence. 1. Proximity of Place Lot was close to Abraham but far from God If you are in the presence of God you will be in the prisoner of religion. Being in the right group but far from God Matthew 7:21-23 God finds pleasure in you when you find yourself in His presence Luke 15:8-10 2. Point of Prayer Lot was relative of Abraham but he did not relate to God Religion makes prayer about HOW, Jesus wants prayer to be about WHO Don’t make prayer about prayer otherwise you will miss the presence. Intimacy in the presence releases power for personal issues. (Luke 8:43-38) 3. Pull of Possessions Lot was possessed by possessions, Abraham had possessions The moment possessions possess you, you no longer own them, they own you. He lost them not when fire burned them but when they got ownership of him. God does not compete with the devil for the place in my heart but with Mammon. Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful Matthew 13:22 You can only have riches if you have the presence, otherwise riches have you. Without the presence, possessions: A. Dominate B. Dictate C. Deceive Wealth can’t deceive those it does not dominate Wealth can’t deceive those who don’t receive it’s direction Lot lost to Sodom what Abraham multiplied through sacrifice 4. Personality of Passivity Lot gets out of trouble but not out of Sodom, lingers to leave Sodom, refuses to run the mountain, and settles in Sodom Jr. You are summoned to hike mountain, don’t hide in the cave Mountain is the place of passion Cave is the place of passivity You can’t live in God’s presence if you are a couch potato. Substance abuse & sexual sin are results of living in a cave. Noah saw the rainbow on Mount Ararat Abraham offered Isaac on Mount Moriah Moses received 10 commandments on Mount Sinai Elijah bought victory by fire on Mount Carmel Jesus was tempted upon, preached from, prayed in, transfigured upon, crucified on and is coming back to Mount. #holyspirit #encounter #pastorvlad Stay connected with Pastor Vlad Instagram http://www.instagram.com/vladhungrygen Facebook http://www.facebook.com/vladhungrygen Twitter http://www.twitter.com/vladhungrygen Subscribe to his blog: http://www.hungrygen.com/blog Invite Pastor Vlad to speak http://www.hungrygen.com/invite

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