Food & Fitness // New Year, New You (Part 2)

HungryGen - En podcast av HungryGen

Message Notes: Basic Facts about the Body: 1. God created it. 2. Jesus died for it. 3. The Holy Spirit lives in it. 4. God will resurrect it. “Please test us for ten days on a diet of vegetables and water,” Daniel said. “At the end of the ten days, see how we look compared to the other young men who are eating the king’s food. Then make your decision in light of what you see.” The attendant agreed to Daniel’s suggestion and tested them for ten days. At the end of the ten days, Daniel and his three friends looked healthier and better nourished than the young men who had been eating the food assigned by the king. Daniel 1:12-15 Your diet shapes your destiny. You are what you eat! 4 Goals to Keep in 2018: Goal 1 - Drink Water Benefits of drinking water: 1. Receives fatigue 2. Improves mood 3. Treats headaches and migraines 4. Helps in digestion and constipation 5. Aids weight loss 6. Flushes out toxins 7. Regulates body temperature 8. Promotes healthy skin 9. Prevents join paints and arthritis 10. Increases metabolism Goal 2 — Healthy Eating Gluttony is sin. Most unhealthy foods: 1. High sugar cereals 2. Sugary coffee drinks 3. Canned soup 4. Margarine 5. Soda 6. Processed lunch meats 7. Ice cream and frozen French fries. “The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like and do what you'd rather not.” Mark Twain Goal 3 — Active Living Secret: Find what you like to do —- don’t do what you hate! Benefits of exercising: Gives energy Boosts brainpower Melts away stress Controls weight Fights off sickness Creates stronger heart Reduces aging Improve eye sight Goal 4 - Restorative Sleep Lack of sleep brings: 1. 27% higher risk of obesity 2. 48% of hearth disease 3. 5 times higher risk of diabetes 4. 20% of accidents due to lack of sleep 5. 32% reduced alertness with 1.5 less sleep Lasting change begins with committing your body to God (Rom.12:1-2) Pastor Vlad released a new book "BREAK FREE", available on iBooks, Amazon, Kindle, Audible and everywhere books are sold. For more information: Stay connected with Pastor Vlad Instagram Facebook Twitter Subscribe to his blog: Invite Pastor Vlad to speak

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