Christian on a Monday

HungryGen - En podcast av HungryGen

Solomiya shared a message on how to walk with God after Sunday service. Message Notes: When motivation dies Sunday night, can the habit you’ve created carry you through Monday with the same passion and excellent you felt on Sunday morning? Sunday is not meant to be an energy drink, it’s supposed be gas fuel. Putting gas into a vehicle is good only when two things are met: 1.It’s a working vehicle 2.It has a destination to go Proverbs 22:29 - Do you see a man who excels in his work? He will stand before kinds; He will not stand before unknown men. Create greatness within you Greatness is found in 1.Habits 2.Investment 3.Hustle 4.Grace 1.Habits - Create a foundation you can build on ⁃Become excellent where you’re at ⁃Create a positive mindset ⁃Time management ⁃Money management ⁃Patience ⁃Dress well ⁃Spend time alone ⁃How do you respond to adversity? ⁃How do you respond to negativity? ⁃How do you talk to yourself? ⁃What comes out of your mouth in tough times? good habits worked on become our strongest qualities 2.Investment ⁃Choose to invest in the person you’re wanting to be: ⁃Don’t wait to know what you want to do to start investing into who you want to be Practical ways to invest in yourself: ⁃Books (I don’t care if you like to read or not) ⁃Podcasts ⁃Sermons ⁃Blogs ⁃Seminars ⁃Conferences ⁃CONVERSATIONS ⁃GOOGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do not shrink your world down to your own interest Diversify yourself, research the things you do not know. Become curious, ASK QUESTIONS. Engage! Become a well rounded person. The more you learn and discover the more room God has to work within. Give your mind more material to dream with. Information connects dots. Common ground will be your greatest asset. Common ground opens doors that you are not qualified for. Common ground creates trust. Common ground is the secret for success. You never know where the information you collect will come in useful. Become  sponge soak up information, be eager to learn. Stay forever a student, commit your life to learning. Be excellent in passion, not just passionate. 3.#Hustle Your problem isn’t demons, it’s too much free time. Deliverance is often found in discipline You’d be surprised how many demons will leave once you create a prayer life, healthy habits and work hard. Pride can’t survive a 5am alarm clock. The problem with #Hustle Did you know the way our minds are set up, if you tell you’re something enough time over the course of time, your mind begins to believe that it is the actual truth? Some of us have talked about hustle and posted about hustle so much for so long that we have convinced ourselves that we’re hustle, when in reality were simply just making it by. Hustle: to obtain by forceful action. We need to learn how to work for the things we want. How to become desperate for greatness, to refuse to be mediocre. Do not mistaken #Hustle for hard work Hard work isn’t loud, it’s busy working I’m all for motivation, but hard work is relentless. Become a SAVAGE Choose to be the hardest worker in the room Wake up before anyone else, go to sleep after everyone else, take later, work harder, lose sleep, work 3 jobs, go to school, buy those books, do whatever it takes but be the hardest worker in the room. When talent and hard work come face to face, hard work wins every single time. You do not need to be the strongest, the fastest, the most beautiful, the smartest; you just need to be the most committed. When life knocks you down and you can’t take no more, give it another shot. Get back up. When fear tries to stop you, be afraid and do it anyways; do it and make fear watch. Do it until fear becomes a motivator, do it until those who said you couldn’t ask you how you did it

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