Becoming by Beholding // Digging Wells (Part 5)

HungryGen - En podcast av HungryGen

Pastor Slavik continues the sermon series, “Digging Wells” and speaks on focusing our attention on God and allowing Him to posses you as you worship Him fully. 2 King 2:9-10 1. You have to cross certain things before God can speak to your life 2. It’s not hard to get double portion anointing, its hard to walk in double portion. 3. The real battle is for attention When we try to look for something new, we can miss revelation that’s right in front of us. It’s difficult to ask for a double portion. Not because the prophet will die, but rather the weight and responsibility. With more anointing, comes more responsibility. If the enemy gets attention, he changes our vision. If the enemy gets the vision, he changes the desires. If the enemy gets the desires, he changes our worship. If the enemy gets your worship, he changes what possesses you. You begin to posses what you worship. Paul asked Timothy to never forget the life, death and resurrection of Jesus in order to no be shaken. As a painter paints a portrait, how they look and paint, look and paint.. you can’t imitate Christ if there’s not a continual looking at him. Not a one time event but always going back to Him. If you remain in my word, Jesus says, I will remain in you. Praying and Fasting is how you remain in Him. God didn’t call us to debate with the devil, but rather to cast the enemy out. Genesis 3 The enemy arrests your desires when he gets your attention Psalm 116:8 1 Corinthians 3:18 When you look at Christ, you can come like Christ Hebrews 11:26 You can change the way you think when you see Him. If the enemy changes what you see, he gets your attention. “We are not called to survive but to influence our culture” “Hard thing is not to catch but to carry the anointing” “We become like Jesus by beholding Jesus” Stay connected with Pastor Slavik Instagram Facebook

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