Abandoned Well // Digging Wells (Part 1)

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Pastor Vlad started a new series “Digging Wells” where he explores how the enemy uses the cares of life to plug our passion for the presence of God. Notes 1. Philippines stopped the wells by filling them with earth. Genesis 26:15 a. Wells without water are prisons. (Gen.37:24; Jer.38:6; Matt.21:13)

When the heart stops hosting the presence, enemy turns it into a prison.
 b. Wells are where divine connections are made. (Gen.24, 29; Ex.2:16; John 4:4). Culture says “be a gold digger”; Christ says, “be a well digger”.

World says, “build an empire”; word says, “build a well”.
 b. Enemy seeks to fill our well with earth so that our well will not water the earth. (Mark 4:19)

Water is a gift from God, well is a gift to the world.

Every believer received water but not everyone is releasing it. (John 4:13-14; 7:38-39) 2. Isaac dug again the wells of his father. Genesis 26:18; Rev.2:5 How to Dig Old Wells: a. Remember when you sought Gods face. 

Favor follows when His face is sought.
 b. Repent by turning your back on your sin and life.

To seek His face we must turn our back on everything else.
 c. Repeat seek His face again. 
 d. Reward will be His favor. Rev.2:7

 Whatever you turn your back to in pursuit of His face, God will water. (Matt.6:33) 3. Herdsman fought Isaac over the wells he dug. Genesis 26:22 a. When rejected, build wells of water, not walls of offense. 

Many people will only like you when you are like them. 

Don’t lose water when you lose friends. 

Your enemies will get thirsty, your well will water them. (Zach.12:10)
 b. Arguments can dissolve if we give up our rights, pick up our responsibility and safeguard other people’s interests. 
Contract is protecting my rights, limiting my responsibility, and safeguarding my interests. 

 Covenant is laying down my rights, picking up my responsibility, and safeguarding other person’s interest
 c. People who walk in favor must avoid fights for fairness. (Matt.18:21-35)

Jesus gives a mirror to those without mercy. (John 8:1-11)

Jesus is the only one who is does not need to be reminded of his past to be compassionate.

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