5 Benefits of Leading Groups
HungryGen - En podcast av HungryGen

Vision of HungryGen is to reach thousands locally and millions globally. Our Mission is help people meet God, find freedom and discover purpose. Pastor Vlad shared how church will shrink to the size of care we deliver and that circles > rows. Masses did not change the world, disciples did! Message Notes: 1. Leading a home group expresses your love for Jesus (John 21:15) What you did for the least ones you did it for me (Matthew 25) 2. Leading a home group helps to fulfill the great commission (Matthew 28:19-20). You can’t disciple a corpse. Disciples are not born, they are made. Home groups don’t produce disciples, disciples produce disciples. Jesus was a son of God and the Savior of the world but he still needed Mary and Joseph. Mary gave Jesus birth, named Jesus and protected Him from Herod. 3. Leading a home group is a way to spiritual maturity (1 John 2:12-13) Spirit growth in stages: Child - needs care Youth - self-care Father - cares for someone else 4. Leading a home group unlocks miracles in your life. (Ester 2:7). Mordecai adopted Ester, named her, guided her, challenged her. Mordecai saved kings life, saved his nation. What is not rewarded is not forgotten 5. Leading a small group stores heavenly treasures (2 Corinthians 5:10). Greek word for judgment seat is bema is a tribunal for rewards. In the large Olympic arenas, there was an elevated seat on which the judge of the contest sat. After the contests were over, the successful competitors would assemble before the bema to receive their rewards or crowns. The bema was not a judicial bench where someone was condemned; it was a reward seat. Heaven will have different rewards, hell will have different degrees (Matthew 10:15). If our churches shrink, hell enlarges (Isaiah 5:14) New Book “Break Free” by Pastor Vlad is Out http://www.hungrygen.com/breakfreebook