35 How She Covid Schools

The Family Lab - En podcast av Whitney Archibald

This is not an episode about the nitty gritty of homeschooling, though I do plan to do a more comprehensive episode or maybe even a multi-part series about that in the future. This is an episode for first-time homeschoolers and remote schoolers. I’m going to split the episode into two parts: help and hope. We’ll start by troubleshooting some of the challenges of teaching your kids at home—including how to get your own work done while the kids are all home. Then we’ll play Pollyanna and talk about some of the positive things about teaching your kids at home. The goal here is to focus on what you’re gaining this year rather than what you’re missing out on—to replace some of your fear and dread with hope and maybe even excitement. I am not trying to minimize that fear and dread at all. Those are very understandable emotions to be having right now. This is hard! But after interviewing the moms I talked to for this episode, I felt so much more hopeful and optimistic, and I wanted to bottle that feeling up for you as well.    Resources: Jodi Chaffee, host of the podcast The Family Culture Movement: homeandfamilyculture.com Instagram: @familyculturepodcast   Ceri Payne, life coach: Organizedlife.coach Instagram: @organizedlife.coach   Family Looking Up Podcast, Episode 150: Combating Homeschool Overwhelm with Jen Bradley   The Self-Driven Child, by William Stixrud and Ned Johnson

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