How Mary Helps Kids (and Parents) Manage Anxiety

The Family Lab - En podcast av Whitney Archibald

If your child struggles with anxiety, you know the balancing act between helping them feel safe and helping them become more resilient. Dr. Mary Wilde is here to help. In this episode she explains what anxiety is and teaches us how to focus on building our kids' (and our own) resources rather than putting our energy into minimizing risk.  Dr. Mary Wilde is a licensced integrative pediatrician and the mother of 8 boys! You can find more of her resources at Sign up for her free masterclass here: Empowering Anxious Kids.  Listen to her Ted Talk Here: Compassion Parenting:Transceding the Myth of Perfect Conditions If you enjoyed this episode, check out:  How Chantel Allen Manages Anxiety How She Takes Care of Herself Part 1 How She Takes Care of Herself Part 2    

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