Ep. 99 Show Me The Money! Financial Guru Rachel Cruze Tells Us What We Can Do!
Hot Marriage. Cool Parents. - En podcast av Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner

We are really eager to share our chat with Rachel Cruze with you guys! Do you ever feel like no matter what you do, you never have any extra money? Well then this episode is for you! Rachel Cruze is a 2-time #1 national bestselling author, a financial EXPERT, and the host of the Rachel Cruze show. Since 2010 Rachel has served at Ramsey Solutions where she teaches people to avoid debt, save money, budget, and how to win with money at any stage in life. She’s authored 3 bestselling books, including Love Your Life, Not Theirs, and Smart Money, Smart Kids which she co-wrote with her father Dave Ramsey. Her latest book, Know Yourself, Know Your Money: Discover Why You Handle Money The Way You Do And What To Do About It will release in January 2021 which is right around the corner! We are super excited to chat all about money, money, money! 12:11 - Welcome to Hot Marriage. Cool Parents., Rachel! 12:18 - Rachel shares her feelings about writing books and the struggle that comes with it. 12:48 - Jamie asks Rachel what her thoughts are on the phrase, “Money is the root of all evil.” 13:51 - Doug asks, what is your message to kids that are growing up that are going to be in financial debt because of college and because of education? 17:15 - Jamie asks, how should I go about talking about finances with my kids in order for them to have a healthy relationship of money? 20:13 - Jamie asks, what is a good time to start an allowance with our kids? 21:13 - Doug asks, growing up, was there a lot of pressure getting into this field with Dave Ramsey as your father? Or did it come naturally to you? What are some of the best lessons you were taught as your father became more and more successful? 30:38 - Doug asks, what is the one tip that you have for managing money and changing bad money habits? 32:13 - Jamie asks, out of all of your books, which one do you recommend to someone who is just starting out to get the most benefit from? 34:28 - Jamie asks, what advice do you have for someone who has trouble saving money? 35:52 - Doug asks, what are some of the best tips that you can give on what to save, how much to save, and what to save for? 39:07 - Doug asks, what are some of the main bad money habits that you see and what are some of the steps that you give advice on? 40:28 - Jamie asks, for those of us who for whatever reason want to create a budget, where do we go or what do we need to create the budget? 42:33 - Jamie asks, what are some easy tips and tricks that you have for stay-at-home parents? 44:48 - Doug asks, what are some ways to ease into the conversation to break the barrier and help couples speak with one another openly and freely about money? 46:34 - Jamie asks, from the author herself, I want to know who this book is for? Love you ALL! Chat again soon! Rachel’s Instagram: https://instagram.com/rachelcruze Know Yourself, Know Your Money Book Available January 5, 2021! And thank you to our sponsors: BlendJet - Go to blendjet.com/hmcp now to save an extra 12% off your order! Calm App - Calm is offering a special limited time promotion of 40% off a Calm premium subscription at calm.com/hotmarriage. Unlimited access to Calm’s entire library, and new content is added every week! Download the app now! Dropps - Visit dropps.com/hotmarriage and use the code hotmarriage to get 25% off your first order! Native Deodorant - Give the gift of Native by going to nativedeo.com/hmcp or use promo code hmcp at checkout and get 20% off your first order! Make sure to order before December 7th to get your products in time for Christmas! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices