Ep. 85 Surrogacy Blogger Breanna Lockwood Chooses Her MOM As Her Surrogate!
Hot Marriage. Cool Parents. - En podcast av Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner

Breanna Lockwood, mama to be, IG blogger, and fertility awareness advocate and her mama, Julie Loving are our guests today! Breanna has a VERY special story to share with us today, one that is unique and beautiful! After going through a difficult journey to getting pregnant, Breanna turned to surrogacy and let’s just say, she found her PERFECT MATCH! Today we are interviewing Breanna and her mama, Julie Loving, aka, Breanna’s SURROGATE! Before we bring Breanna on, Doug and Jamie chat about what's been going on with life lately, including Henley's 3rd birthday, HPV update, and traveling to Florida! Show Notes: 04:57 - Jamie's sister is naming her son Jayme after her! Jamie shares how honored she feels! 06:52 - Jamie gives update on HPV and the LEEP procedure she had. 13:55 - Doug and Jamie talk about Henley’s struggle with defiance with taking naps. 21:09 - Doug and Jamie talk about their upcoming trip to Florida and getting a fence to put around their pool! 28:56 - Welcome, Breanna! Breanna shares her fertility journey and the struggles she has had to overcome. 30:30 - Doug asks how long Breanna and her husband have been together? They discuss struggles with self guilt. 32:35 - Doug asks how many rounds of IVF Breanna went through? 32:59 - Jamie asks if they have any answers as to why it didn’t work out for Breanna? 34:07 - Doug asks at what point did Breanna consider surrogacy and how was she introduced to it? 36:06 - Jamie asks how old her mom, Julie, is and was she always willing to be a surrogate? 39:17 - Doug asks Breanna what her husband’s reaction to all of this? 40:51 - Doug asks Breanna if her mom had to go through testing and was there a concern that she may not be able to carry the baby? Did she have a plan B if it didn’t work out? 42:18 - Jamie asks if the baby is a boy or girl. 42:28 - Doug asks for clarification about the surrogacy process. 44:23 - Jamie asks Julie how far along she is? And how do they both feel now that she is past the age of viability? 46:45 - Jamie asks what are other things that surrogates have to do to carry the baby? 47:45 - Doug asks Julie what her husband's thoughts were on all of this? 48:05 - Jamie asks how has the pandemic made the pregnancy difficult? 49:36 - Doug asks Julie about her birth plan. 50:47 - Doug asks if Julie plans to breastfeed the baby. 53:33 - Doug asks what future plans are for more children. 57:33 - Next week’s guest is a surprise! Stay tuned! PLEASE wear your face masks! We love you guys! Breanna’s Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ivf.surrogacy.diary/ And thank you to our sponsors: Jonas Paul Eyewear - Save 15% off on a new pair of prescription glasses by using the code COOLPARENTS15 at jonaspauleyewear.com. Green Chef - Use code hotmarriage80 to get $80 off your 1st month PLUS free shipping on your 1st box! Go to greenchef.com/hotmarriage80 to redeem the offer! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices