Ep. 67 Jamie and Doug's Birth Plan for Baby #2!
Hot Marriage. Cool Parents. - En podcast av Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner

It’s the Doug and Jamie show today! We are super excited to share with listeners our decision on having a HOME BIRTH! We have done tons of research and are ready to share the facts with you! No matter what decision our awesome listeners make in their birth plans, we want you to know that we support you ALL! We just wanted to share the facts we’ve learned in case anyone else is weighing the options during this crazy time! As always, make sure you are talking with your doctors and with other professionals when weighing all of the options :) DISCLAIMER....This interview was recorded in advance. Information on Covid-19 is changing by the day. That being said, if you have any questions or concerns please do your own research or consult cdc.gov. Show Notes: 2:40 - We have exciting news! We are going for it …. we’re gonna have a homebirth! 4:15 - Jamie shares that as a nurse she has never had a home birth transferred to her where the mother or baby was doing poorly. 4:50 - Hospitals don’t have enough PPE (personal protective equipment) and they don’t have enough staff - they are being overworked! 5:22 - Jamie shares that she wants to be selfless and have the birth at home to help out the difficulty in the hospitals right now with the coronavirus. 5:40 - Doug wants listeners to know - he is 100% on board with the homebirth! 6:09 - Jamie wants listeners to understand that the point of the podcast is just to share research and share her experience as a labor and delivery nurse - this isn’t intended to sway anyone. 8:15 - Jamie explains the details of a homebirth. 9:25 - Jamie shares that when doctors augment labor (do something to expedite labor) such as pitocin or breaking a woman’s water - you can come into contact with a “risk” in the hospital and that can eventually cause a C-Section to have to happen. 10:20 - Jamie shares what a birthing center is in comparison to a home birth or hospital birth. 11:14 - Midwives from birthing centers will be with you during your birth, even if you have to be transferred to the hospital. The majority of them have privileges and rights to practice at hospitals. 11:33 - Birthing centers and midwives with home births take an all natural approach. Home Births are the MOST natural. 12:14 - The biggest pro right now of a homebirth is that right now you are going to avoid catching germs that are lingering around at the hospital. 12:55 - Home births have very intermittent monitoring so you can get up and move around during labor! Big pro! 13:40 - A midwife who does home births comes with medications to stop hemorrhaging, she comes with medications for your baby, she comes with oxygen - she means business! These midwives are trained medical professionals! 15:00 - A big pro about home birth is that your partner is able to be with you! 16:15 - Being able to deliver in water with a home birth is a huge pro! 16:30 - No one is telling you you need to speed up your labor in a home birth or at a birthing center! It’s not a rush - you are the only person that the midwife is taking care of! 17:55 - All of the follow-up visits from homebirth happen in your own home! 19:08 - Jamie shares that she definitely wants to try to have either her or Doug catch the baby! 20:20 - With a home birth or birthing center birth, you are guaranteed to have your midwife during the birth. 20:57 - You get as many coaches as you want during labor and can even have your children be a part of your labor experience! Jamie shares that she is worried about the pain part of it scaring Henley. 21:44 - Jamie shares cons of a homebirth: -if an emergency happens, they are 20 minutes away from the hospital -there is no medicinal pain relief -a lot of insurances do not cover a home birth or a birthing center (sad!) -you have to submit your own social security and birth certificate info -you don’t have help with your newborn 22:58 - Jamie shares that she is excited about her upcoming home bir...