Ep. 47 Wacky Gender Prediction Test Results & Helping a Fran Through a Difficult Time
Hot Marriage. Cool Parents. - En podcast av Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner

Jamie and Doug did a bunch of WACKY gender prediction tests and shared all their results! Andddd next week we get to share the genderđ is baby Hehner number 2 a sweet little cupcake or a handsome stud muffin?! But first we have a very touching podcast with a Fran who reached out to Jamie who was inspired by her story. Jamie and Doug help her through a difficult time and share her story in hopes of inspiring one of YOU! With the holidays right around the corner we have some special deals just for our listeners! First, we have an amazing giveaway going on! Just a little thank you for 50 of our awesome listeners, details in the podcast in how to enter! Also if you can get your L. Organic tampons, pads, and liners right now by going to thisisl.com/HMCP You can also head to wildfoods.co and enter code COOLPARENTS12 for 12% off your entire order! For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy