Ep 32: Life is Short. Live. Laugh. Love. Dedicated to Erica Hoffman
Hot Marriage. Cool Parents. - En podcast av Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner

At the time we recorded this episode Erica was in a lot of pain on hospice, but she still had a smile on her face and a legacy she wanted to leave. I’ve actually never met her in person, but her whole aura has always been gravitational! On episode 30, she offered to come back on HMCP to answer any questions our frans may have had. Meanwhile, Erica was fighting stage 4 colon cancer. This is a perfect example of her giving spirit. I am so sad to have to say that Erica didn’t survive to record another podcast. She has left to be with Jesus where she is no longer in pain. BUT, her spirit lives on. In this podcast episode Doug and I chat about how her positivity really impacted us. Her story hit close to home because she was my age and I couldn’t imagine leaving Doug or Gracie behind. Erica’s story has inspired me to trulybe thankful for every breath because you never know what life has in store. Step back, breathe and enjoy where you are in this VERY moment because you never know when it’s your last. I know Erica would never ask herself, but I put the link to her relief fund if you feel compelled to donate. I know the cost is extensive when it comes to treating cancer and it’s been quite a burden on the Hoffman’s. Erica Hoffman’s Fund https://www.flipcause.com/hosted_widget/hostedWidgetHome/OTAxNA== I would also like to thank today’s amazing sponsors! If you’re looking for the perfect scrubs…look no more, FIGS is changing the scrub game and they have an amazing deal for our listeners. If ya head to wearFIGS.com and enter HMCP you’ll get 15% off your first purchase! For those of you who want to go full throttle without getting pregnant, definitely check out Simple Health because they make birth control simple and affordable. Plus you can try it out for FREE if you go to simplehealth.com/HMCP. Also, I have found the PERFECT razor! Billie razors give ya the perfect shave EVERY.SINGLE.TIME without ANY irritation! If you wanna try them out head to mybillie.com/HMCP for 10% off your first razor! For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy