Ep 26: Take A Challenge With Us To Kick Anxiety & Depression To The CURB!
Hot Marriage. Cool Parents. - En podcast av Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner

Jamie is back this week and is ready to challenge you to GET HEALTHY! We can definitely all benefit from some exercise and positivity and we are excited to talk with you about how to practically make this happen! Join us on Facebook for the challenge - Jamie will be popping in often! Grove Collaborative (this episode’s amazing sponsor!) For a FREE 5 piece spring cleaning set from Mrs. Meyer (a $30 value!!) go to grove.co/hmcp to get this exclusive offer! care/of (this episode’s amazing sponsor!) For 30% off your first care/of order go to takecareof.com and enter jamieo30. Married at First Sight Hot Marriage. Cool Parents. on YouTube Jamie Otis Wifey 101 by Jamie Otis hotmarriagecoolparents on Instagram Jamie Otis on Instagram Doug Hehner on Instagram For information regarding your data privacy, visit acast.com/privacy