Ep 10: Questions for Doug Part 1
Hot Marriage. Cool Parents. - En podcast av Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner

Today’s show is going to be a little different! Instead of having guests, Doug will take today’s episode to answer listeners’ questions. He invited these questions on social media before the show, and hasn’t even read them yet because he wants his answers to be completely real and unrehearsed. Ready for this?! Before we get into Doug’s Q&A session, we’ll talk together to answer one of the most common questions we get from listeners: why we’re in Los Angeles right now! Jamie loves California and feels at home here, so she put it out to the universe that she wanted to spend significant time here before our daughter is in school. Tune into the episode to learn how we made this work! Our first question is about the most difficult chapter in our marriage after the show ended. This was when we had to move into Doug’s parents’ house after Jamie got pregnant. If Jamie hadn’t been pregnant, we actually might not have made it through this period. Our next question goes the other direction: what’s a positive thing about marriage that Doug didn’t expect? His answer is all about communication. Other topics we’ll address in the answers to these questions include how Doug felt about Jamie at their wedding and immediately afterward, whether Doug struggles with Jamie’s initial lack of attraction to him, how he became such a secure person, whether we still watch Married at First Sight, how he would rate our marriage, whether Doug officiates weddings, This is your chance to learn all about Doug, so don’t miss it! And if you want to submit a question to a potential future Q&A episode, stay tuned on our Instagram accounts. We’ll let you know when we’re accepting questions for the next Q&A session with one (or maybe both) of us. We love to get your questions, and we’d really like to get your feedback on whether you want more episodes like this! Today’s Guest: Maya Vorderstrasse on Instagram @MayaVstrasse on Twitter Maya Vorderstrasse on Facebook Once Upon a Letter Board In This Episode: [01:20] - Doug welcomes listeners, and explains what today’s episode will be all about. [07:35] - Jamie was unaware of the “ask Doug anything” event on social media. She then shares the story of Doug accidentally stabbing himself in the hand. [11:44] - Listeners learn why Jamie and Doug are in LA right now, and how much Jamie loves spending time in California. [16:33] - Doug starts his Q&A segment! The first question is about what was the most difficult chapter in our marriage after the show ended. [20:33] - What is one positive thing about marriage that Doug didn’t expect? [21:36] - Are Doug and Jamie considering moving to LA? [22:40] - How did Doug feel about Jamie during the wedding, immediately afterward, and the next day? [26:25] - How did Doug move past the fact that Jamie wasn’t attracted to him at first? Is he insecure about this now? [28:08] - Jamie shares a story about her awkwardness. [30:02] - How did Doug become such a secure person? [31:05] - Would Doug and Jamie do another reality show? Are they watching the new season? What do they think of people comparing Jamie to Luke? [32:42] - Did Doug quit smoking? [33:37] - How would Doug rate the marriage today? Is Jamie content now? [35:21] - Why did Doug become ordained to officiate weddings, and does he do so regularly? [37:07] - What’s the best part of being a dad? [38:09] - How does Doug’s family deal with the temporary move to California? What do Doug and Jamie struggle with when it comes to co-parenting? [39:57] - What is the best advice that Doug’s parents gave him about marriage and parenting? Do Doug and Jamie get along with each other’s siblings? What’s the meaning of Doug’s tattoo? What are Jamie and Doug’s annoying habits? [42:36] - Does Henley have Doug’s personality, or Jamie’s? [43:19] - What would Doug miss the most, and enjoy the most, if their life in front of the camera ended tomorrow? [45:51] - There are so many more questions that the rest will need to be in Part 2! Let us know if you...