064 A Creative Reboot for your New Year - ft Cass & Rich Langton

The Hopeful Rhino Podcast - En podcast av Cass & Rich Langton

Why not start the New Year with a creative reboot? Take time with us in this episode to stop, take stock, and reassess our creative leadership, so we can enter 2020 with everything God has for us!

(You can follow along with the PDF in the shownotes)

Straight from Worship & Creative Conference 2019, Cass & Rich Langton take us through seven questions to reboot our creative leadership. Just in time for the new year, before we get caught up in doing and deadlines, this masterclass offers practical wisdom to help us reset our settings, so we can better inspire others into a desired destination. While leadership is a journey, this episode explores ways to recalibrate our thinking, whatever part of the journey we may be in, to be all we need to be. Discover too how Ephesians 2:10 is a compass for fruitfulness in our Christian life and all things creative as we embark on a novel decade with endless possibilities!

Creative Leadership Reboot (PDF)