Why People Live in Houses | English

Golpo | Stories From Around the World - En podcast av Rituparna Ghosh


Some months back my son returned from school with a question, “Mumma why do we live in a rented house? My friend says we should own a house!” Living in a metropolitan city where you are judged by the size of your house maybe this warrants as a topic of discussion for 7 years olds. I wouldn’t know of course since I grew up in a rented house, far away in a small town where homes were all about warmth, love, friendship and memories.

So this got me thinking…Is it important to own a house? Have humans always lived in houses? Why and how did humans build houses? I searched for the answers in stories.

Lean in & listen to this story…maybe there is something for you!

Here we have two Legends around houses, the first is a Zamibian Legend on Why People Live in Houses, the second is a Santhali Legend of how The First House was built.

Your Story Bag in association with Zamit, Mash Virtual (UK)is celebrating World Storytelling Day 2019. Over the next few weeks we will bring hand-picked stories from Myths, Legends and Epics from around the world.

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