How to Plan Ahead for a Day of Rest
Focus on the Family with Jim Daly - En podcast av Focus on the Family

In our very busy and often overloaded lives, a day of rest—the Sabbath—is necessary. And biblical! It’s a gift from God, when He calls us to step back, take a break, and just breathe. Kathi Lipp offers some ways to examine your day-to-day patterns, create rhythms and routines, and simplify things so you can enjoy a day dedicated to the Lord and the ones He’s placed in your life. Receive the book Sabbath Soup: Weekly Menus and Rhythms to Make Space for a Day of Rest plus a free audio download of the program "How to Plan Ahead for a Day of Rest" for your donation of any amount! Your Gift DOUBLES to Give Families Hope! Save 2X the marriages and families this Christmas with your life-changing gift today! Get More Episode Resources If you've listened to any of our podcasts, please give us your feedback.