Triumph Under Venetian Stars: A Filmmaker's Debut Night

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Fluent Fiction - Italian: Triumph Under Venetian Stars: A Filmmaker's Debut Night Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:It: Il sole tramontava dolcemente su Venezia, dipingendo il cielo con sfumature di arancio e rosa.En: The sun was setting gently over Venice, painting the sky with shades of orange and pink.It: Il Festival del Cinema Internazionale era in pieno svolgimento.En: The International Film Festival was in full swing.It: Tra i vicoli stretti e le romantiche gondole ondeggianti, Giuliana camminava con passo deciso.En: Among the narrow alleys and swaying romantic gondolas, Giuliana walked with a determined step.It: Aveva aspettato tanto per questo momento: la presentazione del suo primo film.En: She had waited so long for this moment: the premiere of her first film.It: Giuliana era nervosa.En: Giuliana was nervous.It: Gli occhi erano fissi in avanti, ma la mente ripensava a tutte le notti insonni e agli sforzi per completare il suo progetto.En: Her eyes were fixed ahead, but her mind kept replaying all the sleepless nights and efforts it took to complete her project.It: Marco, il suo fidato amico e cineoperatore, doveva esserle accanto questa sera.En: Marco, her trusty friend and cameraman, was supposed to be by her side tonight.It: Ma qualcosa non andava.En: But something was wrong.It: Marco, invece, seduto in un angolo tranquillo della sala d'attesa, si sentiva strano.En: Marco, on the other hand, was sitting in a quiet corner of the waiting room, feeling strange.It: La testa girava come se il mondo fosse una giostra senza fine.En: His head was spinning as if the world were a never-ending carousel.It: Si era svegliato così quella mattina, e il medico gli aveva detto di stare calmo, di evitare emozioni forti.En: He had woken up like this that morning, and the doctor had told him to stay calm, to avoid strong emotions.It: Ma come poteva?En: But how could he?It: Giuliana aveva bisogno di lui.En: Giuliana needed him.It: "Marco, come stai?"En: "Marco, how are you?"It: domandò Giuliana avvicinandosi, con voce calda e preoccupata.En: Giuliana asked, approaching him with a warm and concerned voice.It: "L'aria qui è un po'... instabile," rispose Marco, cercando di sorridere, ma il tutto si trasformò in una smorfia.En: "The air here is a bit... unstable," Marco replied, trying to smile, but it turned into a grimace.It: "Sai quanto ci tengo che tu ci sia," sussurrò lei, afferrandogli la mano.En: "You know how much it means to me for you to be here," she whispered, grabbing his hand.It: In quegli occhi c’era una lotta tra la voglia di spingerlo a riposare e il desiderio di sentirlo lì accanto durante il suo momento di gloria.En: In her eyes, there was a struggle between the urge to push him to rest and the desire to have him there during her moment of glory.It: Il dilemma si intensificò quando le luci della sala principale si attenuarono, segnalando che la proiezione era imminente.En: The dilemma intensified when the lights in the main hall dimmed, signaling that the screening was imminent.It: Marco si alzò con difficoltà, il cuore che batteva forte.En: Marco stood up with difficulty, his heart pounding.It: "Devi pensare a te," disse ancora Giuliana, sentendo il nodo in gola.En: "You need to think about yourself," Giuliana said again, feeling a lump in her throat.

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