Surviving the Secret Bunker: A Test of Courage and Friendship
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Fluent Fiction - Italian: Surviving the Secret Bunker: A Test of Courage and Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:It: Luca e Giulia camminavano nel bunker segreto.En: Luca and Giulia walked through the secret bunker.It: L'estate era calda, ma nel bunker c'era sempre freddo.En: The summer was hot, but inside the bunker, it was always cold.It: Le pareti di pietra erano fredde al tatto, e l'intero posto sembrava un viaggio nel tempo.En: The stone walls were cold to the touch, and the entire place felt like a journey back in time.It: Luca era prudente ma avventuroso.En: Luca was cautious but adventurous.It: Voleva esplorare ogni angolo del bunker.En: He wanted to explore every corner of the bunker.It: La sua ansia era sempre lì, ma lui cercava di ignorarla.En: His anxiety was always present, but he tried to ignore it.It: Giulia, invece, era calma e metodica.En: Giulia, on the other hand, was calm and methodical.It: Lei voleva proteggere Luca, ma non voleva fermare la sua voglia di avventura.En: She wanted to protect Luca but did not want to stop his thirst for adventure.It: "Dobbiamo esplorare quella stanza," dice Luca indicando una porta.En: "We need to explore that room," Luca said, pointing to a door.It: "Va bene," risponde Giulia. "Ma stiamo attenti."En: "Alright," Giulia responded. "But let's be careful."It: Entrano nella stanza.En: They entered the room.It: È buia e piena di vecchi oggetti.En: It was dark and filled with old items.It: Improvvisamente, Luca comincia a tossire.En: Suddenly, Luca started to cough.It: La sua pelle inizia a diventare rossa.En: His skin began to turn red.It: Aveva toccato qualcosa a cui era allergico.En: He had touched something he was allergic to.It: Giulia si preoccupa.En: Giulia became worried.It: Luca ha una reazione allergica grave.En: Luca was having a severe allergic reaction.It: Lei cerca nel suo zaino. Non trova nulla che possa aiutare Luca.En: She searched through her backpack but found nothing that could help Luca.It: Il suo respiro diventa veloce e affannoso.En: His breathing became rapid and labored.It: Qui nel bunker, lontano da tutto, devono agire in fretta.En: Here in the bunker, far from everything, they had to act quickly.It: "Luca, resisti," dice Giulia, cercando di non far vedere la sua paura.En: "Luca, hold on," Giulia said, trying not to show her fear.It: Deve prendere una decisione. Uscire e cercare aiuto o provare a gestire la situazione da sola.En: She had to make a decision. Go out and seek help or try to handle the situation herself.It: Decide di cercare una soluzione lì.En: She decided to find a solution there.It: Guarda in giro freneticamente e trova una vecchia cassetta di pronto soccorso.En: She looked around frantically and found an old first aid kit.It: Potrebbe avere il medicinale di cui Luca ha bisogno.En: It might have the medicine Luca needed.It: La apre con mani tremanti.En: She opened it with trembling hands.It: Trova un'antistaminico.En: She found an antihistamine.It: Deve funzionare.En: It had to work.It: Prende la medicina e la dà a Luca.En: She gave the medicine to Luca.It: Subito dopo, lui inizia a respirare...