Survival & Trust in Venice’s Ruins: Marcello & Bianca’s Tale

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Fluent Fiction - Italian: Survival & Trust in Venice’s Ruins: Marcello & Bianca’s Tale Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:It: L'acqua lenta riempiva le strade vuote di Venezia.En: The slow waters filled the empty streets of Venice.It: Il cielo era blu ma il sole bruciava le rovine della città.En: The sky was blue, but the sun scorched the ruins of the city.It: Marcello camminava tra i palazzi devastati.En: Marcello walked among the devastated buildings.It: Era estate, ma non c'erano turisti.En: It was summer, but there were no tourists.It: Solo silenzio e desolazione.En: Only silence and desolation.It: Marcello cercava provviste.En: Marcello was searching for supplies.It: Voleva sopravvivere.En: He wanted to survive.It: Niente di più.En: Nothing more.It: Svoltò l'angolo di un vicolo e vide una figura femminile.En: He turned the corner of an alley and saw a female figure.It: Bianca era magra, con lunghi capelli biondi.En: Bianca was thin, with long blonde hair.It: Aveva uno zaino pieno di oggetti utili.En: She had a backpack full of useful items.It: Marcello la guardò sospettoso.En: Marcello watched her suspiciously.It: In questo mondo, fidarsi era pericoloso.En: In this world, trusting others was dangerous.It: Ma Bianca sorrideva.En: But Bianca smiled.It: "Ciao," disse.En: "Hello," she said.It: "Hai bisogno di aiuto?"En: "Do you need help?"It: Marcello esitò.En: Marcello hesitated.It: "Forse," rispose.En: "Maybe," he replied.It: "Chi sei?"En: "Who are you?"It: "Mi chiamo Bianca.En: "My name is Bianca.It: Sono un medico.En: I'm a doctor.It: Sto cercando medicine e cibo."En: I'm looking for medicine and food."It: Marcello sentiva che aveva bisogno di lei.En: Marcello felt he needed her.It: Ma fidarsi di qualcuno?En: But to trust someone?It: Era una scelta difficile.En: It was a difficult choice.It: Mentre parlavano, un uomo apparve.En: While they were talking, a man appeared.It: Era Leonardo.En: It was Leonardo.It: Marcello e Bianca lo conoscevano.En: Marcello and Bianca knew him.It: Era astuto e manipolatore.En: He was cunning and manipulative.It: "Buongiorno," disse Leonardo con un sorriso falso.En: "Good morning," Leonardo said with a fake smile.It: "Sembra che abbiamo un triangolo qui."En: "It looks like we have a little triangle here."It: Leonardo voleva il controllo delle risorse.En: Leonardo wanted control of the resources.It: Marcello decise di fidarsi di Bianca.En: Marcello decided to trust Bianca.It: "Andiamo," disse a Bianca, e insieme scapparono in un edificio abbandonato.En: "Let's go," he said to Bianca, and together they ran into an abandoned building.It: Dentro, Bianca trovò un angolo riparato.En: Inside, Bianca found a sheltered corner.It: "Posso aiutarti," disse.En: "I can help you," she said.It: "Devi solo fidarti di me."En: "You just have to trust me."It: Marcello decise di aprirsi.En: Marcello decided to open up.It: "Ho perso tutto," confessò.En: "I've lost everything," he confessed.It: "Non so più cosa...

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