Office Party Surprise: How Laughter Sparked True Friendship

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Fluent Fiction - Italian: Office Party Surprise: How Laughter Sparked True Friendship Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and Story Transcript:It: Luca osservava nervosamente.En: Luca watched nervously.It: Colorate decorazioni riempivano l'ufficio.En: Colorful decorations filled the office.It: Palloncini, festoni e tavoli pieni di cibo e bevande.En: Balloons, streamers, and tables full of food and drinks.It: Era la festa estiva dell'ufficio e tutto doveva essere perfetto.En: It was the summer office party, and everything had to be perfect.It: Bianca, il sorriso sempre presente, era felice di come tutto stava andando.En: Bianca, with her ever-present smile, was pleased with how everything was going.It: Le piaceva organizzare eventi.En: She loved organizing events.It: Massimo, dall’altro lato della sala, raccontava una delle sue solite storie divertenti.En: Massimo, on the other side of the room, was telling one of his usual funny stories.It: Luca voleva essere notato.En: Luca wanted to be noticed.It: Non voleva solo essere lo ""strano" dietro al computer.En: He didn't want to be just the ""weird" guy behind the computer.It: Voleva dimostrare che poteva essere divertente e sociale.En: He wanted to show that he could be fun and social.It: Fu allora che vide l'annuncio del karaoke:En: Then he saw the karaoke announcement:It: “Canta e vinci un premio!”En: “Sing and win a prize!”It: Bianca stava spiegando le regole.En: Bianca was explaining the rules.It: Luca decise di tentare.En: Luca decided to give it a try.It: Non era un bravo cantante, ma doveva provarci.En: He wasn’t a good singer, but he had to try.It: Luca disse, ""Parteciperò al karaoke!"En: Luca said, ""I'll participate in the karaoke!"It: Bianca sorrise.En: Bianca smiled.It: “Grande, Luca! Ci divertiremo tutti!”En: “Great, Luca! We're all going to have fun!”It: Luca si sentì subito migliorare.En: Luca immediately felt better.It: Forse questo era il suo momento.En: Maybe this was his moment.It: Prese il microfono.En: He took the microphone.It: Le mani sudate.En: His hands were sweaty.It: I colleghi lo incoraggiarono.En: His colleagues cheered him on.It: Iniziò a cantare.En: He started to sing.It: Sbagliava tempo, andava stonato.En: He was off rhythm and off-key.It: Ma nessuno rideva.En: But no one laughed.It: Anzi, applaudivano.En: In fact, they applauded.It: Ma qualcosa andò storto.En: But something went wrong.It: Mentre Massimo scherzava con un collega, urtò il tavolo del karaoke.En: While Massimo was joking with a colleague, he bumped into the karaoke table.It: Cadde tutto a terra.En: Everything fell to the ground.It: Microfono, casse, lo schermo con le parole.En: Microphone, speakers, the screen with the lyrics.It: Un'esplosione di suoni e confusione.En: A burst of noise and confusion.It: Tutti si fermarono.En: Everyone stopped.It: Bianca cercava di sistemare il caos.En: Bianca tried to sort out the chaos.It: Massimo, con il viso rosso d'imbarazzo, rideva nervosamente.En: Massimo, his face red with embarrassment, laughed nervously.It: Luca non sapeva cosa...

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