Legacy Uncovered: The Hidden Laboratory Beneath Tuscany
Fluent Fiction - Italian - En podcast av FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Italian: Legacy Uncovered: The Hidden Laboratory Beneath Tuscany Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/legacy-uncovered-the-hidden-laboratory-beneath-tuscany Story Transcript: Vocabulary Words:diary: il diarioattic: la soffittatrunk: il bauledusty: polverosoexciting: eccitantespine: la schienashrugged: scrollò le spallecuriosity: la curiositàlaboratory: il laboratoriouncle: lo ziograve: graveforbid: proibiscoconfusing: confusoscribbled: scarabocchiatepanel: il pannellocreak: il cigoliostaircase: la scalabeam: il fascioequipment: le attrezzatureyellowed: ingialliterecorder: il registratorebutton: il pulsantelegacy: l'ereditàoverwhelming: travolgenteexperiments: gli esperimentiknowledge: le conoscenzewisely: con saggezzadetermination: la risolutezzafog: la nebbiabonds: i legami