Budget-Friendly Adventures: A Fun Camping Journey in the City!

Fluent Fiction - Italian - En podcast av FluentFiction.org


Fluent Fiction - Italian: Budget-Friendly Adventures: A Fun Camping Journey in the City! Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/budget-friendly-adventures-a-fun-camping-journey-in-the-city Story Transcript:It: Luca, Martina e Silvia erano in un negozio nel cuore della città.En: Luca, Martina, and Silvia were in a store in the heart of the city.It: Il grande magazzino di attrezzatura per l'outdoor era pieno di colori vivaci e personale energico.En: The large outdoor equipment store was full of vibrant colors and energetic staff.It: Gli scaffali erano pieni di tende, scarponi da trekking e zaini.En: The shelves were packed with tents, hiking boots, and backpacks.It: Luca era pieno di entusiasmo.En: Luca was full of enthusiasm.It: Aveva programmato un fine settimana di campeggio.En: He had planned a camping weekend.It: Martina, esperta e pratica, voleva assicurarsi che Luca avesse tutto il necessario.En: Martina, knowledgeable and practical, wanted to ensure that Luca had everything he needed.It: Silvia, invece, era più scettica e prudente.En: Silvia, on the other hand, was more skeptical and cautious.It: "Abbiamo bisogno di una buona tenda," disse Luca, occhi brillanti.En: "We need a good tent," said Luca, his eyes shining.It: "Che ne dici di questa?"En: "What do you think of this one?"It: Indicava una tenda avanzata, ma anche molto costosa.En: He pointed to an advanced, but also very expensive, tent.It: Martina scosse la testa.En: Martina shook her head.It: "È troppo costosa, Luca.En: "It's too expensive, Luca.It: Dobbiamo stare attenti al budget."En: We need to be careful with the budget."It: Silvia annuì.En: Silvia nodded.It: "Sì, dobbiamo essere pratici."En: "Yes, we need to be practical."It: Luca sospirò.En: Luca sighed.It: "Ma voglio la migliore esperienza possibile."En: "But I want the best experience possible."It: Camminarono tra gli scaffali.En: They walked through the aisles.It: Ogni tanto, Luca vedeva qualcosa che desiderava ma che era troppo costoso.En: Every now and then, Luca saw something he wanted but was too expensive.It: Martina continuava a suggerire alternative più economiche, ma comunque di buona qualità.En: Martina kept suggesting cheaper alternatives, but still of good quality.It: Silvia prendeva nota dei prezzi, sempre attenta al budget.En: Silvia took note of the prices, always mindful of the budget.It: Alla fine, si fermarono davanti a una tenda.En: Finally, they stopped in front of a tent.It: Era abbastanza buona, semplice, e soprattutto, abbordabile.En: It was pretty good, simple, and most importantly, affordable.It: Luca la guardò, indeciso.En: Luca looked at it, hesitant.It: "È una buona tenda," disse Martina.En: "It's a good tent," said Martina.It: "Ti proteggerà dalla pioggia e dal vento.En: "It will protect you from the rain and wind.It: E non spenderai tutti i tuoi soldi."En: And you won't spend all your money."It: Silvia aggiunse: "E così potremo comprare anche altre cose necessarie."En: Silvia added, "And that way, we can also buy other necessary things."It: Luca sospirò di nuovo, ma poi sorrise.En: Luca sighed again, but then smiled.It: "Hai ragione.En: "You're right.It: Non serve spendere troppo se possiamo avere tutto ciò...

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