A Village United: The Day Giovanni's Vote Became a Lifesaver
Fluent Fiction - Italian - En podcast av FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Italian: A Village United: The Day Giovanni's Vote Became a Lifesaver Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-village-united-the-day-giovannis-vote-became-a-lifesaver Story Transcript:It: Il sole splendeva alto nel cielo estivo.En: The sun shone high in the summer sky.It: Il centro comunitario del piccolo paese italiano era pieno di vita.En: The community center of the small Italian village was full of life.It: La gente chiacchierava animatamente, aspettando il proprio turno per votare.En: People chatted animatedly, waiting for their turn to vote.It: Colorati striscioni e poster ricoprivano le pareti, creando un’atmosfera di orgoglio civico.En: Colorful banners and posters covered the walls, creating an atmosphere of civic pride.It: Giovanni, un bibliotecario in pensione, si guardava intorno con un sorriso.En: Giovanni, a retired librarian, looked around with a smile.It: Amava il suo paese e non perdeva mai un'opportunità per partecipare alle attività della comunità.En: He loved his village and never missed an opportunity to participate in community activities.It: Oggi era un giorno importante per lui.En: Today was an important day for him.It: Doveva votare.En: He had to vote.It: La lunga fila non gli dava fastidio; anzi, lo faceva sentire parte di qualcosa di grande.En: The long line didn’t bother him; on the contrary, it made him feel part of something great.It: Elena, una giovane infermiera, era volontaria al seggio.En: Elena, a young nurse, was a volunteer at the polling station.It: Era lì per offrire assistenza a chi ne avesse bisogno.En: She was there to offer assistance to anyone in need.It: Anche lei amava il suo paese e voleva contribuire in ogni modo possibile.En: She too loved her village and wanted to contribute in every possible way.It: Stava parlando con un collega quando notò Giovanni barcollare.En: She was talking to a colleague when she noticed Giovanni staggering.It: I suoi occhi attenti captarono subito qualcosa di sbagliato.En: Her keen eyes immediately sensed that something was wrong.It: Giovanni si portò la mano al petto.En: Giovanni brought his hand to his chest.It: Il dolore era forte.En: The pain was intense.It: Sentì le gambe cedere e vide il mondo intorno a sé girare.En: He felt his legs give out and saw the world around him spin.It: Cadde a terra, e un brusio preoccupato si alzò tra la folla.En: He fell to the ground, and a worried murmur rose among the crowd.It: Elena corse da lui.En: Elena ran to him.It: "Giovanni, mi senti?"En: "Giovanni, can you hear me?"It: chiese, cercando di mantenere la calma.En: she asked, trying to stay calm.It: La sua esperienza come infermiera le diceva che poteva essere un infarto.En: Her experience as a nurse told her it could be a heart attack.It: Giovanni annuì debolmente.En: Giovanni nodded weakly.It: "Devo... votare..." mormorò con un filo di voce.En: "I must... vote..." he murmured faintly.It: Elena sapeva che doveva agire in fretta.En: Elena knew she had to act quickly.It: Rassicurò Giovanni dicendo: "Ti aiuterò, ma prima dobbiamo assicurarci che tu stia bene."En: She reassured Giovanni by saying, "I will help you, but first we need to make sure you’re okay."It: Aveva bisogno di prendere una decisione veloce.En: She needed to make a quick...