A Serenade in San Marco: Love Rekindled in the Heart of Venice
Fluent Fiction - Italian - En podcast av FluentFiction.org
Fluent Fiction - Italian: A Serenade in San Marco: Love Rekindled in the Heart of Venice Find the full episode transcript, vocabulary words, and more:fluentfiction.org/a-serenade-in-san-marco-love-rekindled-in-the-heart-of-venice Story Transcript:It: Il sole splendeva sopra Piazza San Marco.En: The sun was shining over Piazza San Marco.It: La folla era vivace.En: The crowd was lively.It: Le note della musica riempivano l'aria.En: The notes of the music filled the air.It: Lorenzo si trovava dietro il palco, stringendo il suo violino.En: Lorenzo stood behind the stage, clutching his violin.It: Aveva il cuore che batteva forte.En: His heart was pounding.It: "Posso farcela", mormorò a se stesso.En: "I can do this," he murmured to himself.It: Non ne era sicuro.En: He wasn't sure.It: Dall'altra parte della piazza, Giulia camminava senza meta.En: On the other side of the square, Giulia was walking aimlessly.It: Era venuta a Venezia per distrarsi.En: She had come to Venice to distract herself.It: Firenze le ricordava troppo il suo ex.En: Florence reminded her too much of her ex.It: Sentiva il bisogno di un nuovo inizio, ma non sapeva da dove cominciare.En: She felt the need for a fresh start, but she didn’t know where to begin.It: Lorenzo guardò il pubblico.En: Lorenzo looked at the audience.It: Non era preparato.En: He wasn't prepared.It: Aveva paura.En: He was scared.It: Ma la musica era la sua vita.En: But music was his life.It: Doveva solo trovare il coraggio.En: He just had to find the courage.It: Respirò profondamente e salì sul palco.En: He took a deep breath and stepped onto the stage.It: Le prime note erano tremolanti, ma poi trovò il ritmo.En: The first notes were shaky, but then he found the rhythm.It: La musica fluisce.En: The music flowed.It: Giulia, attirata dalla melodia, si avvicinò al palco.En: Drawn by the melody, Giulia drew closer to the stage.It: Si fermò a guardare.En: She stopped to watch.It: La musica la colpiva.En: The music struck her.It: Sentiva ogni nota risuonare dentro di lei.En: She felt every note resonate within her.It: Lorenzo suonava con passione, dimenticando le sue paure.En: Lorenzo played with passion, forgetting his fears.It: La sua performance era magnifica.En: His performance was magnificent.It: Dopo il concerto, Lorenzo scese dal palco.En: After the concert, Lorenzo stepped off the stage.It: Sentiva un senso di sollievo.En: He felt a sense of relief.It: Giulia si avvicinò timidamente.En: Giulia approached timidly.It: "La tua musica è incredibile," disse.En: "Your music is incredible," she said.It: Lorenzo arrossì.En: Lorenzo blushed.It: "Grazie," rispose.En: "Thank you," he replied.It: Parlarono per un po'.En: They talked for a while.It: Scoprirono di avere molto in comune.En: They discovered they had a lot in common.It: Lorenzo raccontò a Giulia delle sue insicurezze.En: Lorenzo told Giulia about his insecurities.It: Giulia condivise la sua tristezza per la rottura.En: Giulia shared her sadness about the breakup.It: Entrambi erano vulnerabili, ma questo li avvicinò.En: Both were vulnerable, but this brought them closer.It: La conversazione fu lunga e...