It's been a YEAR - Anniversary Episode

Finding Mikey - Parenting our kiddo with Autism - En podcast av Finding Mikey - Parenting & ASD, SPD, ADHD, Autism


Today’s show is the Anniversary Show and the podcast has been a great way for us to share our journey. We’ve been asking for all of you in the audience to provide some feedback and we’ve gotten it in so many different ways. One area we hadn't paid attention to in quite a long while has been on our actual reviews page. So we’re giving some shoutouts today. It’s the anniversary of Mikey’s diagnosis. There is a lot to go through and you’ve been with us for the most part, the highs and the lows, but we figured it would be a good opportunity for us to just wrap it all up. We are talking about what this year has been like, what we have done, what the observations have been and surprisingly, Heather has pages of notes. We are celebrating the wins today, so join in with us as we go through it all with you!

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