Child Find - Early Intervention
Finding Mikey - Parenting our kiddo with Autism - En podcast av Finding Mikey - Parenting & ASD, SPD, ADHD, Autism

It can certainly be distressing when you start noticing that your child is experiencing developmental delays. But, on our journey with Mikey, we have discovered that there are services available for early intervention that won’t leave you bankrupt! In this episode, we’re talking all about the Child Find program, which makes the identification, evaluation, and early intervention therapy accessible for children with delayed development in every school district. You’ll find out how Mikey’s challenging preschool experience opened our eyes to Child Find, and how the program is structured, from the evaluation process to the multitude of services offered. We also touch on the telling indicators of developmental delays, eating therapy, and so much more! Tune in for this informative episode to put your mind at ease and open the door to an affordable, effective solution for your child. Key Points From This Episode: The impulsivity that became apparent when Mikey started preschool. Our process of selecting the appropriate preschool for Mikey. The early intervention services available for children with social and learning differences. What Child Find is and who the program is designed for. The financial accessibility of the program! Indicators of developmental delays. Mikey’s occupational therapy focus and structure. What eating therapy is and the affordability of it through Child Find! The Child Find evaluation process. The importance of early intervention. The early intervention services offered for kids with delayed development. Some of our favorite resources! Tweetables: “One of the awesome things about Child Find is once they do an evaluation and they see that your child qualifies for services, all of those services are provided by the funding of the school district.” — Heather [0:11:11] “It’s very important, when a child is young, to try to get them to use their words, use their sounds, and develop words to communicate. However, assistive technology has come a really long way.” — Heather [0:24:00] Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode: Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center ECTA Part C coordinator list Understood Autism Parenting Magazine Call us at 469-249-0425 Finding Mikey Finding Mikey on Apple Podcasts